I quit.


I’m done.

There are things that come along in life where we know it’s the path to take and either hear it and pay it no attention, sweep it under the rug and keep moving forward or procrastinate on the movement on it due to (bottom line), fear.

Well, all my life I have been a mover and a shaker, and it started literally at birth, here’s the story:

• Doc’s said my mom was about 1-2 weeks overdue
• So he said come to the hospital and we’ll induce labor
• So my mom arrived, they put her in the labor room and prepped her with the shot, at 12 noon or so.
• “Sit comfortable honey, we’ll come and get you in a bit,” the nurse said. “Here, have some jell-o.”
• 20 minutes and a few bites of cherry jell-o later, my mom was having some mid back pain and let the nurse know, “Hey uhhh, my back hurts.”
• “Don’t worry honey, its normal,” the nurse said as if brushing off another pregnant woman. “Why don’t you lie down?”
So, my mom did as directed and laid down.

About 5 minutes after my mom laid down, still in the labor room, (guys, that’s the room before getting wheeled off to the surgery room to deliver the baby), she called to the nurse again, “Hay, my back really hurts now.” The pain had travelled to her low back now.

“Okay honey, don’t worry about it.”

So like the trooper my mom is, she “didn’t worry about it.”

And wouldn’t you know it, 1 minute after “not worrying about it,” there I was, screaming my head off! I was probably screamin something like, “Get outta my way cause world I’m here with a purpose, ready or not, I’m comin!”

I was born at 1:32pm on December 19, 1967 and I haven’t looked back! (Not sure if I could look back!)

My mom told me that at that very second she heard my screamin she knew, “Boy am I gonna have to watch this one!”

Excuuuuuuse me?!@#*

They didn’t know my sister was there either- -I have a twin! She came 6 minutes later. 🙂

What my entry into life has brought me has been a lot of fun, getting into trouble, (big surprise), getting fired from 2 jobs, getting married after knowing the guy for 1 week (that’s a wholllllllle other Oprah), learning my place in this lifetime, and trying to “mesh” into places that, after choosing them, had been an incredible journey of experiences that showed me one thing:

I don’t have to “mesh.”

Some call it rebellious.

I call it “can’t put my fire out.”

I also read my horoscope this morning. YES I READ MY HOROSCOPE…..WHAT?!? Todays couldn’t have been timelier:

“You have a bit of an attitude these days. Used judiciously, this could help move some old obstacles out of the way. Just make sure you don’t step on any toes you might need later. Walk away from anyone who tells you your free spirit is shaking things up too dramatically- -it’s not worth arguing about. The world is wide, and your talents are many. Before too much longer, you’ll find a place that fits you.”

There are things that come along in life where we know it’s the path to take and either hear it and pay it no attention, sweep it under the rug and keep moving forward or procrastinate on the movement on it due to (bottom line), fear.

Well I’m done being afraid.

I quit.

The place that fits me is waiting.

I have taken a quote and tweaked it a bit, but it goes like this:

“The one who has the goals makes the rules.”

Since 1:32pm, Dec 19, 1967 I have been groomed for this.

What have you been groomed for? Share your experience or any comment below, I’d LOVE to hear from you.

You sick and tired of being sick and tired?

More comin, stay tuned……….

To the champions of living by the rules you create,
